Distributor: 316Europe
Just as there was no man on earth like Job, there is no book on
earth like the book of Job. In this new commentary, biblical scholar
Michael Brown brings Job to life for the twenty-first-century reader,
exploring the raw spirituality of Job, his extraordinary faith, his
friends’ theological errors, the mysteries of God’s speeches, and
the unique answers to the problem of suffering offered in the
book of Job. Undergirded by solid Hebrew scholarship but written
with clarity for all serious students of Scripture, the commentary
provides an important introduction to the study of Job, a new
translation, a series of theological reflections, and additional
exegetical essays providing in-depth discussion of key passages.
Additional topics covered in the theological reflections include:
• Challenging God as an Act of Faith
• How Would Job Comfort a Sufferer?
• Who Was the Satan?
• Job and Jesus
• Job and the New Atheists
Just as there was no man on earth like Job, there is no book on
earth like the book of Job. In this new commentary, biblical scholar
Michael Brown brings Job to life for the twenty-first-century reader,
exploring the raw spirituality of Job, his extraordinary faith, his
friends’ theological errors, the mysteries of God’s speeches, and
the unique answers to the problem of suffering offered in the
book of Job. Undergirded by solid Hebrew scholarship but written
with clarity for all serious students of Scripture, the commentary
provides an important introduction to the study of Job, a new
translation, a series of theological reflections, and additional
exegetical essays providing in-depth discussion of key passages.
Additional topics covered in the theological reflections include:
• Challenging God as an Act of Faith
• How Would Job Comfort a Sufferer?
• Who Was the Satan?
• Job and Jesus
• Job and the New Atheists
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