Distributor: 316Europe
Change is an inevitable part of life. So why are most of us parentsshocked and surprised when our daughters change in unexpected, dramatic,significant ways once they hit the teen years? Girls go through theirmost dramatic developmental changes during adolescence. And they needparents to be there, just as present and involved as when our littlegirls were, well, still little girls!As you read through the pages of A Parent''s Guide to Understanding Teenage Girls,veteran youth workers Brooklyn Lindsey and Mark Oestreicher will helpyou re-examine some assumptions and misunderstandings about this seasonof life. Then, from a place of trust in God, you will gain a freshperspective on who your daughter is and who she''s becoming.Thisbook explores the major changes of adolescence, the influence of parentsand friends, the onslaught of feelings and how to respond, and thesignificance of celebrating milestones in a girl''s life.AParent''s Guide to Understanding Teenage Girls will offer wisdom,insight, and encouragement to respond well, react wisely, and engageeffectively. This book is also an ideal resource to prepare you and yourdaughter for the impending season of change and transformation, if youaren''t there quite yet.
Change is an inevitable part of life. So why are most of us parentsshocked and surprised when our daughters change in unexpected, dramatic,significant ways once they hit the teen years? Girls go through theirmost dramatic developmental changes during adolescence. And they needparents to be there, just as present and involved as when our littlegirls were, well, still little girls!As you read through the pages of A Parent''s Guide to Understanding Teenage Girls,veteran youth workers Brooklyn Lindsey and Mark Oestreicher will helpyou re-examine some assumptions and misunderstandings about this seasonof life. Then, from a place of trust in God, you will gain a freshperspective on who your daughter is and who she''s becoming.Thisbook explores the major changes of adolescence, the influence of parentsand friends, the onslaught of feelings and how to respond, and thesignificance of celebrating milestones in a girl''s life.AParent''s Guide to Understanding Teenage Girls will offer wisdom,insight, and encouragement to respond well, react wisely, and engageeffectively. This book is also an ideal resource to prepare you and yourdaughter for the impending season of change and transformation, if youaren''t there quite yet.
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